Testimony – 9×12 Print – Oil on Paper


9″ x 12″ Print

Oil painting of lakeside pine tree silhouetted against golden sunset and burnished waters



A message in colour printed on sky-wide newsprint:
The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.

Psalm 19:1 ~

Wherever you go, people of all ages love a pine tree, and they love a sunset.

At campgrounds, many folks drop whatever they are doing and make a nightly trek to the lakeshore to watch the sun go down. Maybe they stand by a craggy pine tree like the one in the oil painting. Maybe they don’t…but…are they aware that as they pause to watch …that they are reading a message? a message from outer space?

Camping with our granddaughter, Rebekah, when she was a little girl, one of the last songs we sang together as we tucked her in at night was:

Day is done
Gone the sun
From the lake, from the hills, from the sky
All is well. God is nigh
Sweetly rest

I’ve tried to capture the statement of God’s glory in the oil painting, and do hope it is legible.

It’s the same declaration that is consciously or unconsciously read when viewing the coloured text in any sunset, and it never fails to settle the very core of our being.

I hope while viewing this oil painting that the cares of your day will lessen somewhat as you pause by the old pine tree and thrill to the rich colours of the sunset…before they fade.

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Oil on Paper Print

Limited Edition


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